The Marked cards

Alyssa's BladeSpecialAttack1Deal 10 (13) damage.
CircuitSpecialAttack1Deal 7 (10) damage. themarked:Conductor. Exhaust.
Improvised WeaponSpecialAttack1Deal 9 (10) damage.
RiposteSpecialAttack0Deal 4 (7) damage. Apply Vulnerable. Exhaust. Ethereal.
Suspicious RavenSpecialSkillUnplayable. When you draw this card, deal 22 (27) damage to all enemies.
TailwindSpecialSkillUnplayable. When drawn, draw 2 (3) cards. Exhaust.
DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block.
Soldier of QuellsteinBasicSkill1 (0)Gain 5 Block and themarked:Summon Alyssa's Blade.
StrikeBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage.
AftermathCommonSkill0Gain 2 (3) themarked:Charge. Gain 2 (3) themarked:Charge for each attack played this turn. Attacks played: 0
Banishing StrikeCommonAttack1Deal 7 (10) damage. Apply 2 themarked:Banish. Deals extra damage equal to the target's themarked:Banish.
Chain LightningCommonAttack1Deal 8 (10) damage to a target and 50 (75) % of this damage to other enemies. themarked:Conductor.
Electric StringsCommonAttack1Deal 5 (8) damage to all enemies Apply 1 Weak to all targets next turn.
Empower WeaponCommonSkill1themarked:Summon Alyssa's Blade. Increase it's damage by 5. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
FrustrationCommonAttack1Deal 7 (9) damage. If the target has themarked:Banish, deal this damage again.
Heightened SensesCommonSkill1Gain 5 (7) Block for each enemy in combat.
ImproviseCommonSkill1 (0)Exhaust a card. themarked:Summon two Improvised Weapons and reroll their effect.
MementoCommonSkill1Apply 3 (4) themarked:Banish. Draw 2 (3) cards. Exhaust.
ParkourCommonAttack1Deal 5 damage twice. Damage is increased by (twice) your Dexterity.
Power FlowCommonSkill0themarked:Summon a Circuit . If it isn't newly created, gain 4 (6) themarked:Charge.
Repelling DischargeCommonSkill1Gain 8 Block. Uses up to 6 (*8) themarked:Charge.(themarked:Preserve.)
Resourceful StrikeCommonAttack1Deal 9 (10) damage. Draw 1 (2) extra card(s) next turn.
Sword and MagicCommonAttack1Deal 5 (8) damage. Apply 1 Vulnerable. themarked:Summon Alyssa's Blade.
Take CoverCommonSkill1Gain 11 (15) Block. Gain 2 themarked:Ignorant.
Twofold DefenseCommonSkill2Gain 8 (10) Block twice.
Ward offCommonSkill1Apply 2 themarked:Banish. Gain 5 (8) Block. Gain Block equal to the targets themarked:Banish.
Wasteful StrikeCommonAttack1Deal 14 (17) damage. Become Weak next turn.
Attract MetalUncommonSkill1Gain 8 Block. Gain Block equal to (Steal) the target's Block.
Banishing WaveUncommonAttack2Deal 15 (16) damage. Apply 4 themarked:Banish to all enemies. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Channel ForceUncommonSkill1Exhaust all Attacks in your hand, themarked:Summon Alyssa's Blade and increase its damage by 4 (6) for each card.
Combo AttacksUncommonPower2 (1)Whenever you play an Attack that costs at least [E] , reduce the cost of another Attack in your hand by 1.
ConvertUncommonSkill0Draw up to 5 Cards based on your themarked:Charge and consume (themarked:preserve) it. You can no longer draw cards this turn.
Creeping ChasmUncommonSkill1Requires 4 themarked:Charge to play. Apply 1 (2) Weak to all enemies. Next turn, deal 17 (20) damage to all enemies.
DeterminationUncommonPower1 (0)The first time you apply themarked:Banish each turn, draw 2 cards.
ElectrifyUncommonSkill0Exhaust an attack in your hand.themarked:Summon 2 (3) Circuit.
ElectrocuteUncommonAttack1Deal 8 damage. This attack uses ALL themarked:Charge and gains twice (thrice) the bonus from it.
Enhance MovementUncommonSkill0Requires 2 themarked:Charge to play. Draw 2 (3) cards. Gain 2 (3) temporary Dexterity. Exhaust.
Fell the ProudUncommonAttack1Deal 7 (9) damage. Deals this damage an additional time for each positive effect on the enemy.
FrictionUncommonSkill1Draw 2 (3) cards. Gain themarked:Charge equal to the number of cards in your hand.
GenerateUncommonSkill1Gain up to [E] [E] [E] based on your themarked:Charge and consume (themarked:preserve) it.
God-given PowerUncommonPower1At the start of your turn, themarked:summon a Circuit.(Innate.)
HeritageUncommonPower1Whenever you apply themarked:Banish, gain 4 (5) Block.
IndomitableUncommonSkill2 (1)Remove all negative effects. Gain [E] for each effect removed.
Keep Calm and FightUncommonAttack3 (2)Deal 16 damage to all enemies. Costs [E] less for each negative effect on you.
MaelstromUncommonSkill1Gain 4 (6) themarked:Charge. All cards themarked:preserve themarked:Charge this turn. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Muscle MemoryUncommonPower1Whenever you exhaust an attack, themarked:Summon Alyssa's Blade and increase its damage by 2 (3).
Mystical ArsenalUncommonPower0When you play 3 attacks in the same turn, apply 2 (3) themarked:Banish to all enemies.
One with the BladeUncommonSkill1 (0)themarked:Summon Alsssa's Blade and give it themarked:Conductor. Gain 2 themarked:Charge. Exhaust.
OpportunistUncommonPower1The first time you Block at least 6 attack damage each turn, add a Riposte into your hand. (Innate.)
OverchargeUncommonSkill0Gain 6 (10) themarked:Charge and [E] [E] . Gain 1 Vulnerable.
OverthinkUncommonSkill0Add 3 Dazed into your hand. Gain 1 Weak. Draw 2 (3) Cards.
PanicUncommonSkill2Play the top 3 (4) Cards from your draw pile. Exhaust.
Paralyzing BladeUncommonSkill2themarked:Summon Alyssa's Blade and make it apply 1 (2) Weak. Gain 9 (10) Block. Exhaust.
ParryUncommonSkill1themarked:Summon Alyssa's Blade and reduce it's attack by 20%. Gain 8 (10) Block, based on it's new (old) damage.
Perfect StormUncommonAttack2Deal 11 (14) damage. Next turn, deal this damage again. themarked:Conductor.
PokerfaceUncommonSkill0Gain 4 (6) Block. If you have any negative effect, gain 4 (6) Block.
PolarizeUncommonSkill1Gain 2 themarked:Charge. Then double your themarked:Charge. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
ReabsorbUncommonSkill1themarked:Summon and Exhaust Alssa's Blade. Gain themarked:Charge equal to it's attack, increased by 3 for any other improvements. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Rogue SparksUncommonPower2Whenever you draw or themarked:summon an attack, deal 2 (3) damage to a random enemy and gain 1 (2) Block.
SealUncommonSkill2Apply 5 (7) themarked:Banish. If it triggers, refund half of this card's energy cost and return it to your hand.
Self-DefenseUncommonAttack2Deal 4 (5) damage. Gain 10 (11) Block. Apply 1 (2) Weak.
Shocking TouchUncommonAttack0Deal 6 (11) damage. Apply 1 (2) Vulnerable to you AND the target. themarked:Conductor.
StandoffUncommonPower1Gain 5 (7) Block. If the first card played in your turn is a Skill, EVERYONE gains 5 (7) Block.
Start UpUncommonAttack2Deal 15 (16) damage. Gain 1 (2) Dexterity. Exhaust.
StaticUncommonSkill1Shuffle a Circuit into your draw pile. Gain 6 (8) Block. Gain themarked:Charge equal to half your Block.
The MissionUncommonPower2 (1)Gain 2 themarked:Ignorant. If you have a negative effect while applying themarked:Banish, apply 2 more.
Tunnel VisionUncommonAttack1Deal 7 (9) damage twice. Become themarked:Ignorant for 2 turns.
AbjurationRareAttack1Deal 10 damage. Apply 3 themarked:Banish. If the target is a minion, apply 7 more.(Targets ALL Minions.)
Bigger Than FateRareSkill0Shuffle a (an upgraded) Suspicious Raven into your discard pile. Exhaust.
Binding BladeRareSkill1themarked:Summon Alyssa's Blade and make it apply 2 (3) themarked:Banish. Exhaust.
ChallengeRareSkill0Apply 1 Strength. Apply 2 (3) themarked:Challenge. Exhaust.
DefyRareAttack2Deal 13 (14) damage to all enemies. If you are below 50% (75%) health, deal this damage again.
Dispel Doubt RareAttack2Deal 20 (22) damage (not damage). Exhaust all curses from your deck. Exhaust.(Innate.)
Eternal StudentRareSkill2themarked:Summon Alyssa's Blade and increase its damage by 9. Increase this number by 1 permanently. Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Exhaust.
Favorable WindsRareSkill2Shuffle 2 (upgraded) Tailwinds into your draw pile. Gain 14 Block. Exhaust.
LevitateRareSkill2Draw 2 (3) Cards. Reduce the cost of Skills in your hand to 0 this turn. Exhaust.
Magus FormRarePower3Whenever you play a Skill, gain 3 (4) themarked:Charge.
SnapRareAttack2Deal 6 (7) damage 4 times. Gain 99 themarked:Ignorant. Exhaust.(Retain.)
Take Off HeelsRareSkill1Gain 2 Dexterity. themarked:Summon two Improvised Weapons (, upgrade them) and reroll their effect. Exhaust.
Throw WeaponRareAttackXExhaust an Attack and deal its damage X (X+1) times.
ToughnessRarePower1Whenever a negative effect is applied to you, gain 1 (2) Strength.
Turn InvisibleRareSkill1 (0)Requires 2 themarked:Charge to play. Gain 1 Intangible and become unable to attack. Exhaust.
Unarmed FuryRareAttack0Deal 6 (8) damage twice. Can only be played if Alyssa's Blade is not in play.
VacuumRareAttack1Deal 4 (7) damage. Apply themarked:Banish equal to half the damage dealt.

The Marked relics

Static BraceletStarterMarked_purple_colorAt the start of your turn, gain 2Charge.Bestowed by the Goddess of Air.
Demon DaggerCommonMarked_purple_colorThe first time you apply Banish each turn, apply 2 more.As used in rituals to seal away demons.
GunUncommonMarked_purple_colorLimits Charge consumption on attacks to 3 without effecting damage.A rare and valuable weapon among the Hirudians.
Nail FileUncommonMarked_purple_colorWhenever Banish is lethal on a non-minion, heal 10 Health.It once belonged to a dangerous beauty hailing from Schimmerklamm.
Kettu FlaskRareMarked_purple_colorWhen you kill a Monster, gain 13Block.Only the Kettu know how it works... Or if it works at all.
Secret DocumentsRareMarked_purple_colorWhenever you Summon, draw 1 card.Sought after by those who wish to learn about Demonology.
Vonison LockRareMarked_purple_colorGain 1Dexterity at the end of the first 3 turns in combat.A lock from the mane of Hirudia's noble mounts.
Bronze BladeBossMarked_purple_colorReplaces StaticBracelet. At the start of your turn, gain 10Vigor.A product of the finest blacksmith in Ebenerz.
EyepatchBossMarked_purple_colorAt the start of your turn, if you suffer from a negative effect, gain [E] .One can only guess what hides beneath.
Spirit SwordBossMarked_purple_colorWhen you summon an existing card from your deck, it costs 0 this turn.The deadly familiar of a Tausrean Soldier.
WinderShopMarked_purple_colorWhen you shuffle your draw pile, gain 10 Charge.Synonymous with one of Hirudia's least desirable professions.

The Marked potions

Storm BrewCommonGain 12Charge.
Familiar PotionUncommonSummon Alyssa's Blade and increase it's damage by 8.
Hover ShotRareReduce the cost of all skills in your hand by 1 until played.

The Marked keywords

themarked:BanishIf Banish reaches 10 or more, remove it and deal 50 damage.
themarked:ChallengeReduces the damage of the target's attacks until the end of turn whenever they receive unblocked attack damage.
themarked:ChargeResource for some cards. Attacks consume up to 6 Charge and increase their damage by the number consumed.
themarked:ConductorBenefits from all stacks of Charge without consuming them.
themarked:IgnorantNo longer see enemy intents.
Multiword KeywordMake sure the first element in the NAMES is the same as your PROPER_NAME. The rest is to match keywords like the single word keyword.
themarked:PreserveStacks of Charge used by this card are not consumed.
themarked:ResistanceIncreases the threshold of Banish until the end of turn.
themarked:SummonPut this card into your hand from your draw- or discard pile. If doesn't exist or is exhausted, create a new card in your hand instead.
themarked:keywordWhenever you play a card, gain 1 dexterity this turn only.

The Marked creatures

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